

Plato was born in Athens or on the island of Aegina in 428/427 B.C. and died in 348/347 B.C. He was one of the foremost public figures who personified the Ancient Greek spirit and directly influenced the development of philosophy and human thought.

Within his many works, the said, "Plato's dialogues" attempted to give some answers to the various time-long philosophical problems such as the definition of justice, what is reality, what is ethical, etc. Plato was directly influenced by Socrates, of whom he was once a student of.

Moreover, Plato's compositions gave us abundant information regarding the philosophical thinking of Socrates, since he himself kept no written journals.

Plato is considered to be the founder of idealism and the creator of the theory of ideals claiming that the soul and ideals predominate death and the senses. Furthermore, in his famous work, "Politeia" ("The Republic"), he tries to give the prototype for the ideally favorable political community.