

Socrates was born in 470/469 B.C. in Athens and died in 399 B.C. His deep and questioning philosophical thinking proved him to be the greatest philosophical mind in Athens and the Ancient Greek spirit.

Socrates himself, never wrote down any of his works during his life and whatever we know about him comes from the writings of his students mainly by Plato. For this reason, we do not have a full and objective idea about his thinking.

In his rich philosophical meditations those that stood out were: his theory of ideals; the dialectical method of inquiry; the definition of virtue; the determination of the prototype for the ideal state, and much more.

The death of Socrates was tragic. After he was brought to trial for corrupting the youth and disbelieving in the ancestral gods. After a tumultuous causing courtroom drama, he was sentenced to death.

He, by himself, with characteristic calmness drank the poison hemlock (Conium) supporting, until the end, the way of life that he had suggested.