The Dictatorial Government

The Dictatorial Government

In order to facilitate the constitution of closing down all the businesses and the seizure of power by a group of colonels, the military coup of the 21st of April accompanied by thousands of illegal arrests.

Arrests and deportation of suspects
In order to facilitate the constitution of closing down all the businesses and the seizure of power by a group of colonels, the military coup of the 21st of April accompanied by thousands of illegal arrests.
The number of arrests motivated by political reasons, estimated at tens of thousands, and only a few of them were taken before exceptional military courts and the chambers of five courts of appeal. The majority of those arrested illegally were detained by the regime because of their potential hazardousness, in prisons and concentration camps.

Torture and inhumane treatment of those arrested
A regular procedure of the dictatorship was the torture of the prisoners. According to reports prepared by the Commission on Human Rights in 1969, the standard practice of dictatorship was the physical and psychological disarmament of the tortured and the growing climate of terror inside and outside prisons, in order to suppress any desire for reaction against the dictatorship.

Cleanup state apparatus
The dictatorship sought to remove political suspects by the state apparatus, and of civil servants who were not friendly to the regime. Thus, government sectors, such as the judiciary, the educational body, and public administration, struck out workers who lacked "healthy social attitudes" and those who are not convinced about their feelings towards the Junta.

Characteristic of the era is the silencing of journalists, the persecution of those who reacted to the coup, and the closing down of newspapers that were not consistent with the opinions of the dictatorial regime and the confiscation of their assets.


Military Junta & 17th November
The Dictatorial Government
Resistance in the years of Dictatorship
Rebellion in Athens 1973
The Conclusion