The myth of Demeter and Persephone

The myth of Demeter and Persephone

Demeter traveled to Eleusis in search of her daughter Persephone, who had been abducted by Hades (the god of the underworld). She consented to raise the queen's son after becoming friendly with the Eleusinian royal family.

However, the queen's unintentional interference prevented her from making the boy immortal. She then revealed her identity to the royal family after this event and they ordered to build a temple for her.

As a result of Demeter's grief the crops were dying, people were going hungry and the gods weren't getting their usual tribute. Demeter force Zeus to bring her daughter back. Zeus convinced Hades to give Kore back to Demeter. Hades agreed, but he played a trick Persephone/ Kore, by consuming some pomegranate seeds, and he said, If one ate in the land of the dead, one remained with the dead.

However, because she had only consumed in less quantity so, they decided that she would spend half the year with her mother on earth and the other half with Hades in the underworld. 

When Kore came up from the underworld as Persephone, Demeter made the world fruitful and fertile and rich, full of happiness however, when she went into the underworld, the plants dry up and died.