
EU recommendation for coronavirus testing for travelers from China

A meeting of the EU emergency response mechanism took place on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023.
A meeting of the EU emergency response mechanism took place on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023.

Member States agreed on a coordinated precautionary approach in light of the developments of COVID-19 in China, in particular taking into account the need for sufficient, reliable data and the relaxation of travel restrictions by China from 8 January 2023, the statement said. Swedish Presidency.

Member States agree:

* recommend that all passengers on flights to and from China wear a medical mask (FFP2/N95/KN95).

*provide advice to inbound and outbound international travelers originating in or destined for China, as well as aircraft and airport personnel, on personal hygiene and health measures.

*are strongly encouraged to introduce, for all passengers departing from China to member states, a requirement of a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than 48 hours prior to departure from China.

Member States are also encouraged to supplement these measures with:

*random checks of passengers arriving from China on arrival in Member States, as appropriate, and sequencing of all positive results to strengthen surveillance of the epidemiological situation.

*control of sewage from airports with international flights and aircraft arriving from China

*continue to promote shared vaccine distribution and vaccination, including booster doses, particularly among vulnerable groups.

The IPCR, with the support of ECDC and the European External Action Service, and taking into account the WHO assessment, will continue to monitor the epidemiological situation in the EU and developments in China, including the level of data shared, with a view to ensuring of EU coordination any measures deemed necessary.

Member States agree to assess the situation and review the measures by mid-January 2023.