Hellenic Children's Museum

Hellenic Children's Museum

The Children's Museum of Athens (HCM) is the successful result of the innovative cooperation of the museum with the Organization of Culture, Sports & Youth of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA). It was inaugurated by museum education teacher Sophia Rok-Mela in 1987 in Plaka but now operates within the structure of the Athens Conservatory.

In the country's only multi-thematic, interactive museum specially designed for children, learning is supported by genuine objects, tangible experiences, and play.

The HCM's 3-dimensional exhibits are specifically designed to stimulate curiosity and encourage children to dive into the learning process. They are aimed mainly at kids up to 12 years old, but also at parents and teachers who contribute to their development. The themes of exhibits are derived from children's interests, their day-to-day life, and the needs of their educators.

For example, youngsters will comprehend the concept of geometry in the playground where building materials are there to create various constructions. In the "marketplace", they are taught about the concept of supply and demand; and in the kitchen, they experiment with meal ingredients and recipes. While the programs are in Greek, they can also be taught in English upon special request.

The Hellenic Children's Museum's purpose is to help children develop all aspects of their personalities to become citizens who respect their individuality and obtain a social conscience. The museum addresses all children, families, school communities, and anyone interested in the multilateral development of children or is directly or indirectly connected to children. The philosophy of the museum is based on the phrase, "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand".

At the Children's Museum of Athens, young and old can:

- gain tangible experiences around healthy eating and consumer education by playing the roles of customers and employees in the exhibit "The Abyss of Nutrition"
- make small, large, colorful bubbles and experiment with water, in the exhibit "Bubbles"
- play roles - drivers, traffic wardens, road builders in the exhibit "I drive and walk safely"
- play word games on the occasion of the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet and the coronavirus in the exhibit "Museum of letters"
- play, to entertain, to create…

Exhibits of the Children's Museum of Athens

- The Attic
- Hello Pythagoras!
- Workshop: The moving image
- The Us and the Them (an exhibit about diversity)
- The Kitchen – Discover the world of Biscuit
- Discover Myself-How do I move?
- The ABC of nutrition
- Drive and walk safely
- Bubbles
- The Museum of the Greek alphabet letters

The HCM studies, designs, implements EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS for:

- school groups at the Children's Museum of Athens and schools
- families and other groups at the Children's Museum of Athens and other museums or open-air cultural sites
- educators and parents
- people with special needs and other groups with special characteristics (i.e. refugees etc)