The Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian Mysteries

The secret rituals of the Eleusinian Mysteries, also known as the Rites of Eleusis, were observed regularly between 1600 BCE and 392 CE. The Eleusinian Mysteries were held each year at Eleusis, 14 miles west of Athens, around the end of September.

The Eleusinian Mysteries are shrouded in secrecy despite the participation of thousands of initiates over many centuries, as no one ever revealed their secrets or the precise details of the ritual. Nevertheless, the visitor to Eleusis still experiences the wonder and extraordinary atmosphere that this incredibly significant site exudes. The mysteries renowned the story of  Demeter and Persephone, the mother's agony as she sits by the Mourning Rock in Eleusis, and sobs in desperation for her daughter.