Who is who in Greek Ancient Theater

Who is who in Greek Ancient Theater

The 3 well-known Greek tragedy playwrights were Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles. Moreover, all of the comedies that were created during this time were soley written by Aristophanes. Information about Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes.

Aeschylus was born in 525 B.C. in Elefsina, Attica. His father was a landowner named Euphorion. His noble ancestry was probably contributed to a good level of education. His innovations exalted the tragedy by attaching features that we all recognize today. The main points of these changes were the addition of a second actor, reducing the chorus from 50 to 12 persons and, im-plementing a mechanized stage. It is estimated that Aeschylus wrote about 80 plays, but sadly only 7 have remained with us: "The Persians", "Seven against Thebes", "The Suppliants", "The Oresteia" (Trilogy: "Agamemnon", "The Libation Bearers" and, "Eumenides") and, "Prometheus Bound". He died in 456 B.C. in Gela, Sicily, Italy.

Euripides was born in Salamina, Attica around 480 B.C. His family was thought to be wealthy and, since childhood, he became a disciple of Anaxagoras and Socrates. Euripides wrote 92 plays but only 19 survived: "Alcestis", "Medea", "Heracleidae", "Hippolytus", "Andromache", "Hecuba", "The Suppliants", "Electra", "Heracles", "The Trojan Women", "Iphigenia in Tauris", "Ion", "Helen", "Phoenician Women", "Orestes", "Bacchae", "Iphigenia at Aulis", "Rhesus", and "Cyclops". Euripides died in 406 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia.

Sophocles was born around 497 B.C. and he came from a noble and rich family of Colonus, Athens and so was able to receive a broad education. He introduced into the tragedy a myriad of im-portant innovations. To name a few, he increased the number of dancers from 12 to 15, the hypocrites were upped to 3, and he did not derive the content of the trilogy from the same myth, like Aeschylus. Sophocles wrote 120 plays but only 7 have survived completely: "Ajax", "Antigone", "The Women of Trachis", "Oedipus the King", "Electra", "Philoctetes" and, "Oedipus at Colonus". Sophocles died in the winter of 406 B.C. in Athens.

Aristophanes was born in Athens around 446 B.C., in the Kydathinaion Municipality (today Plaka), where he spent all his life, except for a short time lived on the Island of Aegina. He is referred to as the Father of Comedy. Aristophanes wrote 40 plays but only 11 have weathered through the test of time: "The Acharnians", "The Knights", "The Clouds", "The Wasps", "Peace", "The Birds", "Lysistrata", "Thesmophoriazusae", "The Frogs", "Ecclesiazusae" and, "Plutus" ("Wealth"). Aristophanes died in 387 B.C. in Delphi in central Greece.


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