
Prices of basic lenten staples products either lower or equal to last year's

The initial feedback regarding the 'Lent Basket' initiative is encouraging, as per reports from Ministry of Development officials. Prices for most essential items typically featured on the Lenten table are either lower or comparable to last year's figures.
The initial feedback regarding the 'Lent Basket' initiative is encouraging, as per reports from Ministry of Development officials. Prices for most essential items typically featured on the Lenten table are either lower or comparable to last year's figures.

Additionally, it's been disclosed that concerning the quintessential Lenten staple, lagana (traditional Lenten bread), Minister of Development Kostas Skrekas has advocated for the price of lagana to remain consistent with last year's rates.

Specifically, the price of small lagana (350g) is proposed to range from 1.8 to 2 euros while the price of large lagana (750g) is suggested to be between 2.8 and 3.5 euros.

tags: Greece Economy